November 22nd Worship Service
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All may make the sign of the cross, the sign that is marked at baptism, as the presiding minister begins.
Blessed be the holy Trinity, one God, in whose image we are made, who claims us and calls us beloved. Amen. Silence is kept for reflection |
Holy One,
we confess that we are not awake for you. We are not faithful in using your gifts. We forget the least of our siblings. We do not see your beautiful image in one another. We are infected by sin that divides your beloved community. Open our hearts to your coming, open our eyes to see you in our neighbour, open our hands to serve your creation. Amen. |
Beloved, we are God’s children,
and Jesus, our Beloved, opens the door to us. Through Jesus you are forgiven, by Jesus you are welcome, in Jesus you are called to rejoice! Let us live in the promises prepared for us from the foundation of the world. Amen. |
O God of power and might, your Son shows us the way of service, and in him we inherit the riches of your grace. Give us the wisdom to know what is right and the strength to serve the world you have made, through Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen
Call to Worship
Sharing of the PEace
Hymn of Praise
Kids' talk
The Lessons for Today
Thank you to Rhonda for recording our lessons this week!
Read by Erika Rodning, Synod Council Councillor
Recorded November 13, 2020 by Bishop Larry
Hymn of the day
The Offering
At this time, we encourage families to set up PAR offering if you have not done so already.
Thank you for your continued support of our church.
Thank you for your continued support of our church.
God of all goodness,
Generations have turned to you, gathered around your table, and shared your abundant blessings.
Number us among them that, as we gather these gifts from your abundance, and give thanks for your rich blessings, we may feast upon your very self and care for all that you have made, through Jesus Christ, our Sovereign and Servant.
Generations have turned to you, gathered around your table, and shared your abundant blessings.
Number us among them that, as we gather these gifts from your abundance, and give thanks for your rich blessings, we may feast upon your very self and care for all that you have made, through Jesus Christ, our Sovereign and Servant.
Holy Communion & Blessing
Lord Jesus, in this simple meal you have set a banquet.
Sustain us on the journey, strengthen us to care for the least of your beloved children, and give us glad and generous hearts as we meet you on the way. Amen
Sustain us on the journey, strengthen us to care for the least of your beloved children, and give us glad and generous hearts as we meet you on the way. Amen
Most of you are probably aware that infection rates of Covid-19 have been increasing rapidly. Further restrictions have recently been announced to hopefully slow down this spread.
We have received a pastoral letter from our bishop, The Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, regarding the recently announced COVID-19 restrictions and his strong recommendation that all congregations suspend in-person worship and meetings until the pandemic response level is lowered.
The safety measures and guidelines we have implemented at Glory are well within the allowed restrictions. However, caring for one another and for members of our community is something that God calls us to do. Therefore, for now, we plan to follow Bishop Larry’s recommendation and cancel in-person worship services and meetings for the time being.
We encourage you to read Bishop Larry’s letter in its entirety
Most of you are probably aware that infection rates of Covid-19 have been increasing rapidly. Further restrictions have recently been announced to hopefully slow down this spread.
We have received a pastoral letter from our bishop, The Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer, regarding the recently announced COVID-19 restrictions and his strong recommendation that all congregations suspend in-person worship and meetings until the pandemic response level is lowered.
The safety measures and guidelines we have implemented at Glory are well within the allowed restrictions. However, caring for one another and for members of our community is something that God calls us to do. Therefore, for now, we plan to follow Bishop Larry’s recommendation and cancel in-person worship services and meetings for the time being.
We encourage you to read Bishop Larry’s letter in its entirety
Do you have strings of outdoor lights and/or long extension cords for outdoor use that you are not using this year? Would you be willing to lend or donate these to Glory? We are planning to provide some light at Glory during this Advent Season. Details will be forthcoming.
Please contact Pat Becker if you are able to help with this.
Pat: 780-998-5345 [email protected]
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it … The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world." (John 1:5, 9).
Do you have strings of outdoor lights and/or long extension cords for outdoor use that you are not using this year? Would you be willing to lend or donate these to Glory? We are planning to provide some light at Glory during this Advent Season. Details will be forthcoming.
Please contact Pat Becker if you are able to help with this.
Pat: 780-998-5345 [email protected]
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it … The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world." (John 1:5, 9).
- To Share a 'Peace' of yourself with others each Sunday, or have your wedding anniversary highlighted, please send a photo to [email protected].
- A large number of hearing aid batteries and cleaners have been donated by a couple of families. They are sizes 13 and 312.
Please call Heidi at the church office (780-416-9594) or Pat (780-998-5345) if you are able to use these. - Please take a few minutes to read the November newsletter, Church Matters.
It is filled with interesting, informative, and important information!
Total as of Nov 20: 264,880.03
Matching amount: 50,000.00
Overall Total: 314,880.03
It’s hard to believe that we are nearing the end of November! It has been a long haul, standing up to the Coronavirus this spring, summer, and fall. How we have missed seeing each other, worshipping, talking, laughing together, grieving with and loving one another! We look forward in anticipation to the day when we can all be together again.
We are also close to the end date of our fundraising campaign for the purchase of the land. What an adventure it has been! We’ve talked with one another about the possibilities, envisioned what opportunities lay ahead, and checked in on how close we are to our goal. We’ve had to find new ways to connect and share updates.
It is with heartfelt gratitude and excitement that we let you know that our goal of $300,000 has been reached!! We thank you for your very generous gifts and your prayers! To God be the Glory!!
If you are still planning to donate towards the campaign, please don't hesitate to do so! Excess funds will be used for legal costs and will also be applied to pay down the principal of the existing mortgage, which is up for renewal on 31 December. Doing this will make a tremendous difference to Glory's future going forward.
As always, we ask for your prayers and support as we move into this exciting new phase in our church growth and outreach. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Pat or Aroon:
Pat Becker: 780-239-5345 [email protected]
Aroon Sequeira: 780-901-9469 [email protected]
God’s richest blessing to you and your family!
The Glory Fundraising Committe
Total as of Nov 20: 264,880.03
Matching amount: 50,000.00
Overall Total: 314,880.03
It’s hard to believe that we are nearing the end of November! It has been a long haul, standing up to the Coronavirus this spring, summer, and fall. How we have missed seeing each other, worshipping, talking, laughing together, grieving with and loving one another! We look forward in anticipation to the day when we can all be together again.
We are also close to the end date of our fundraising campaign for the purchase of the land. What an adventure it has been! We’ve talked with one another about the possibilities, envisioned what opportunities lay ahead, and checked in on how close we are to our goal. We’ve had to find new ways to connect and share updates.
It is with heartfelt gratitude and excitement that we let you know that our goal of $300,000 has been reached!! We thank you for your very generous gifts and your prayers! To God be the Glory!!
If you are still planning to donate towards the campaign, please don't hesitate to do so! Excess funds will be used for legal costs and will also be applied to pay down the principal of the existing mortgage, which is up for renewal on 31 December. Doing this will make a tremendous difference to Glory's future going forward.
As always, we ask for your prayers and support as we move into this exciting new phase in our church growth and outreach. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Pat or Aroon:
Pat Becker: 780-239-5345 [email protected]
Aroon Sequeira: 780-901-9469 [email protected]
God’s richest blessing to you and your family!
The Glory Fundraising Committe
Sending Song
Copyright information:
Text of worship adapted from Sundays and Seasons 2020, Year A © 2019 Augsburg Fortress. Used with permission.
All music and lyrics under copyright protection are used by permission under CCLI License #2540115 and ONE LICENSE #A-707263. All rights reserved.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from CCLI with license #CSPL 165542 and ONE LICENSE # A-707263. All rights reserved.
Text of worship adapted from Sundays and Seasons 2020, Year A © 2019 Augsburg Fortress. Used with permission.
All music and lyrics under copyright protection are used by permission under CCLI License #2540115 and ONE LICENSE #A-707263. All rights reserved.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from CCLI with license #CSPL 165542 and ONE LICENSE # A-707263. All rights reserved.