SUNDAY, March 24, 2024
A recording – either just audio or audio/visual will be posted on this site later in the day in case there are technological glitches with the livestream.
If the audio is too quiet for you, please ensure both the YouTube audio bar and your computer's audio are turned up to max. If it is still not loud enough, the use of headphones or an external speaker (one that you plug into your computer) can boost the sound. If the video is too grainy, this might be due to our internet speed (which we have no control over), your internet speed, or your YouTube settings. To check the latter, click on the gear icon ("settings") at the bottom right side of the livestream/recording. Then click "Quality" and change it to 720. Note that if this change then causes video lag, this is due to poor internet connection and you may need to turn the quality back down. |
Copyright information:
Text of Worship adapted from: Sundays and Seasons 2024, Year B ©2023 Augsburg Fortress. Used with Permission under License # SB167593.
All music and lyrics under copyright protection are used by permission under CCLI License #2540115 ONE LICENSE #A-707263.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from CCLI with license # CSPL 165542 and ONE LICENSE # A-707263. All rights reserved.
Text of Worship adapted from: Sundays and Seasons 2024, Year B ©2023 Augsburg Fortress. Used with Permission under License # SB167593.
All music and lyrics under copyright protection are used by permission under CCLI License #2540115 ONE LICENSE #A-707263.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from CCLI with license # CSPL 165542 and ONE LICENSE # A-707263. All rights reserved.