The ELCIC invites members and congregations to join with Christians of various traditions in celebrating and honouring a Season of Creation, held annually from September 1 to October 4. This year's theme is 'Listen to the voice of creation'. This is an opportunity to affirm the Lutheran World Federation's commitment to address climate change through liturgy, prayer and action.
The Synod of Alberta and the Territories (ABT) Care of Creation Ministry Team has prepared a set of three short videos based on this year's Season of Creation theme, 'Listen to the voice of creation': |
Week 1 - Sept 11
Week 2 - Sept 18
Week 3 - Sept 25
The focus and goal of the Creation Care Team is to celebrate and support current initiatives while seeking additional ways to minimize our impact on creation as a congregation within our homes, our church and our community.
God has entrusted humankind with the responsibility to be stewards of creation, to care and share, to touch the earth with gentleness and with love, to respect all living things and to responsibly use the resources generously given to us.
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. (Genesis 2:15)
On a daily basis our lives are defined by the choices we make. Stewardship of creation relates to how we, as Christians, choose to use the gifts God has bestowed on us in furthering His mission in this world. We become faithful stewards when we acknowledge God’s creation and the abundance of His gifts and respond with a determination to care for creation.
God has entrusted humankind with the responsibility to be stewards of creation, to care and share, to touch the earth with gentleness and with love, to respect all living things and to responsibly use the resources generously given to us.
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. (Genesis 2:15)
On a daily basis our lives are defined by the choices we make. Stewardship of creation relates to how we, as Christians, choose to use the gifts God has bestowed on us in furthering His mission in this world. We become faithful stewards when we acknowledge God’s creation and the abundance of His gifts and respond with a determination to care for creation.
The mandate of the Creation Care Support Team includes:
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